
"When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you..."

Who else loves Halloween? I mean, how can you not enjoy watching adorable children dressed up as their heroes or favorite characters?

I have wonderful memories of trick-or-treating as a child. Growing up in Queens, NY, Halloween was an adventure. Apartment buildings were great for kids because in just one "house" you could knock on dozens of doors. My sister and I joined our friends from school to traverse the area. When we were very young, the two of us sometimes had matching costumes (my mother has photos from our year as a pair of dice). It was fun, and I always loved being able to walk around with the "big kids." Another favorite part of the day was that when I was younger, my father would dress up and surprise us when we came to our apartment. He was definitely a crowd favorite, and made a wonderful vampire.

During high school I spent my Halloweens helping my mother and grandmother hand out candy. There were some costume parties but didn't go door-to-door. Then at college I attended the parties held by a community service group for New Haven kids, reporting on the events for the campus newspaper.

I never lost my love for this day, and still find it to be magical. I wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween - TRICK OR TREAT!

*blog title taken from Bobby Pickett & the Crypt-Kickers' "Monster Mash"*


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