"Cuz I feel so mad, I feel so angry..."

I just returned from a performance of Twelve Angry Men at the Shubert Theater in New Haven. WOW.
I've loved this drama for years. Theater is something that I have enjoyed for as long as I can remember. When I was in high school my English class acted out "Twelve Angry Men" rather than just reading it (I was Juror Five most of the time, but I believe I was fortunate enough to spend a day or two as Eight).
I've seen (and loved) the 1957 movie version of the play, and it has always held a special place in my heart. Today, seeing it on stage for the first time, I love it even more.
These actors are brilliant, led of course by Richard Thomas and George Wendt. Randle Mell was brilliant as Juror Three, and all of the other actors are to be commended. They found a way to make me laugh, feel compassion, grow angry and be genuinely moved in less than two hours, something that most films cannot do.
I think the entire audience was moved by this compelling drama which deals with the nature of racism and justice in modern times. Even though it was set in 1954, the same ethics and principles hold true today - if we can erase prejudice from our hearts, we can seek truth from the world.
*Blog title taken from Boxcar Racer's "I Feel So"*
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