"They settle down as man and wife to solve the riddle called married life..."
This past summer, two people I went to high school with were married. Then within the last few months, two of my friends got engaged. There are low-to-mid twenty-somethings getting engaged and wed all around me, and it's got me thinking - am I missing something?
I thought the trend over the last twenty years or so was to get married a bit later in life (30s, at least). That's what I had seen, and I was fine with that. I'm not saying that people who are making the earlier decision are making a bad choice. I'm sure for some people it is perfectly timed, and other people will realize that no amount of time or waiting would make their union work. I just think that there is something I'm not seeing.
Growing up, I remember hearing girls talk about the perfect wedding and how many kids they wanted. Some people even had baby names picked out and ready to go. I never thought about those things. From a fairly young age, I was focused on making a life for myself. I wanted a successful career (and to me, success does not mean $$$) and to establish myself as an independent person before even considering joining up with someone else.
Does this make me a bad person? Should I not want to make a life for myself rather than establishing a life with someone else? I'm not saying I never want to get married, but I think that it's more important to be your own person and understand your life direction first. Otherwise, how can you hope to be successful as a unit?
Help me out here, folks. What are your thoughts on the younger marraige issue? What do you see as a good age range for marraige? Does age even matter, or is it more about the people? And please tell me, am I wrong?
*blog title taken from Cole Porter's "It's De-Lovely"*
I thought the trend over the last twenty years or so was to get married a bit later in life (30s, at least). That's what I had seen, and I was fine with that. I'm not saying that people who are making the earlier decision are making a bad choice. I'm sure for some people it is perfectly timed, and other people will realize that no amount of time or waiting would make their union work. I just think that there is something I'm not seeing.
Growing up, I remember hearing girls talk about the perfect wedding and how many kids they wanted. Some people even had baby names picked out and ready to go. I never thought about those things. From a fairly young age, I was focused on making a life for myself. I wanted a successful career (and to me, success does not mean $$$) and to establish myself as an independent person before even considering joining up with someone else.
Does this make me a bad person? Should I not want to make a life for myself rather than establishing a life with someone else? I'm not saying I never want to get married, but I think that it's more important to be your own person and understand your life direction first. Otherwise, how can you hope to be successful as a unit?
Help me out here, folks. What are your thoughts on the younger marraige issue? What do you see as a good age range for marraige? Does age even matter, or is it more about the people? And please tell me, am I wrong?
*blog title taken from Cole Porter's "It's De-Lovely"*